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Meditation with crystal

Meditation with crystal


Meditation is a simple yet powerful exercise that can have many benefits on our lives – from helping to manage stress to increasing energy and productivity. For centuries, meditation has been fundamental not only in gaining spiritual enlightenment, but also in maintaining physical health and emotional wellbeing. Practising meditation, even for just ten minutes a day, allows you to recharge and clear your mind.
Different meditation methods depend on personal preference. Some people like to repeat a mantra, while others choose to focus on their breathing or to concentrate on an intention or on
the energy of the particular crystal they are using. Incorporating crystals into a meditation enables you to connect better with the stones, so deepening the whole meditative experience. Holding a clear quartz or amethyst crystal can bring clarity and focus while amplifying your intention. Crystals can also be used as a point of focus, allowing you to direct your energy and remain balanced and centred throughout your meditation.
When working with a specific intention or chakra, strengthen your meditation by incorporating a stone that resonates with that intention or activates the given chakra. For example, if you are meditating to encourage emotional healing, hold a rose quartz in each hand
to open the heart chakra;. the crystal will then amplify the healing process. Experiment with a variety of crystals during meditation to see which ones feel right to you, as each carries its own healing vibration.
How to Meditate Using Crystals
Before sitting down to meditate, ensure your crystals are cleansed  and programmed for whatever purpose you wish to achieve.

Cushion, mat or blanket
Crystal of choice

If you are new to meditation, try practising five to ten minutes a day initially. Once comfortable, increase to fifteen to twenty minutes a day, or for however long suits you.

1. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit and hold the crystals in your hands. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax completely.
2. Once you are fully relaxed, bring your focus to the crystal you are holding, taking notice of its energy. Don’t worry if your mind wanders, just gently bring your attention back whenever this happens.
3. As you breathe in and out, release any tension or stress you may be harbouring. Allow the
energy of the crystal to flow throughout your body. You may feel the stone’s energy resonating with a particular chakra.
4. When you are ready to open your eyes, take a few more deep breaths and experience a sense of calm and clarity before bringing awareness back to your suroundings.