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Citrine - Pyramid

Citrine - Pyramid

Regular price $28.00 USD

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Citrine, with its warm sunshine-like hue, holds a potent meaning associated with joy, abundance, and personal power. It's known as the "success stone," "merchant's stone," or "money stone" for its believed ability to attract prosperity and financial success.

    • Sun and warmth: Its vibrant yellow color reflects the sun's energy, symbolizing warmth, optimism, and positive vibes.
    • Abundance and prosperity: Citrine is believed to stimulate the flow of wealth and abundance, attracting opportunities and manifesting desired outcomes.
    • Creativity and self-expression: Its vibrant energy is thought to ignite creativity, imagination, and self-expression in various pursuits.
    • Personal power and confidence: Citrine is said to empower you to overcome self-doubt, boosting confidence and self-esteem.
    • Joy and happiness: Its uplifting energy is believed to dispel negativity and foster feelings of joy, optimism, and a sense of well-being.

Healing Properties:

    • Physical healing: It is thought to support digestion, cleanse the kidneys and liver, and enhance circulation.
    • Emotional healing: Citrine is believed to alleviate depression, anxiety, and stress, promoting inner peace and emotional balance.
    • Mental healing: Its stimulating energy is thought to improve focus, concentration, and memory.
    • Spiritual healing: Citrine is said to connect one to their inner strength and higher energies, fostering spiritual growth and intuition.

Using Citrine:

To harness citrine's beneficial energy, you can incorporate it in various ways:

    • Wearing citrine jewelry: This allows its energy to continuously surround you, promoting confidence and attracting positive experiences.
    • Carrying a citrine tumbled stone: Keep it in your pocket or bag for a portable source of positivity and manifestation support.
    • Placing citrine in your home or workspace: Position it in areas associated with abundance, creativity, or personal goals to attract desired outcomes.
    • Meditating with citrine: Hold or place it near you during meditation to enhance focus, clarity, and connection to inner wisdom.

Estimated delivery time 7-14 days